Welcome to Japan!

My summer vacation officially ended this week and I’ve definitely been feeling the back-to-work burn. As I’ve mentioned before, I change schools every term, so I started at a new school this week. However, since there are three schools in the city I’m living in, and three terms, that means I’m now back to the…

Greatest Hits–What I’ve been doing the past month…

As I mentioned in my last post I accidentally went on a bit of a hiatus there. So here’s what I did the last month, for all you die-hard fans out there: I finally found something Sailor Moon related in Japan: A girl I went to college with, Stephanie, and her husband, were in Tokyo…

I didn’t know I liked you…

I didn’t know I liked you, Engrish. Before, I would become incredibly annoyed by simple errors in English (well, I still do become annoyed when it’s native English speakers in question), but now I love your tiny mistakes and endearing mix-ups. Your yours and theres and ls and rs in the wrong places, your flowery…