Product placement #9-Purun Purun

These little energy gel-drinky things seem quite popular in Japan. I think I’ve seen them in the US, but usually only at sporty stores like REI. I see them in most grocery stores and convenience stores in Japan, and of course there’s not just sporty ones, but also cutsey ones. Surprise! I chose this one…

Product placement #4–The Pungency

I mean, how could you not buy this?? The name says it all. It wasn’t great! Although, it is milk tea, which I think is a acquired taste, and I actually do like milk tea, I just prefer it hot. This was cold, which I just don’t think compliments the flavors of milk tea. Is…

Product placement #2

It’s Wednesday again! Time for Product placement #2. It’s another drink, mostly because I have a mild obsession with Japanese drinks. Here she is! I had high hopes for this one. I like the simplistic design. I liked that it’s black. I liked that I knew what flavor it would be instantly (peach). But I…

Product placement #1

I decided I am going to start “reviewing” one fun Japanese product a week. I’m going to do it every Wednesday. Most likely it will be food or drink, but not always. So here’s the first one! I only bought this because I liked the label. I loved maneki neko (the good luck cat) so…