Taipei: Pet city?

I know whenever anyone hears  “Taipei” they automatically think about pets, right?? No? Well, you should. Because Taipei is Pet City in my book.  Everywhere I looked there were cozy kitties lounging or carefree pups strolling. (And these pictures don’t even come close to covering the amount of cats and dogs I actually saw.) The…

They did it again

Ok, so I’ve posted about student art before (here and here), the latter being the same art project as this post, just last year’s version.  So this might be overkill and I am sure a lot of people don’t care about papier-mâché animals. If that’s you then…don’t read this post! Basically, I am constantly impressed by…

Product placement #8–Animal crackers

I think I found the Japanese version of US animal crackers.   Obviously they are meant to teach kids the English words for animals. It would be more beneficial for me for them to be in Japanese, but oh well. But the back of the box has all the animals listed in Japanese and English!…